Wrapping up Phase One of its effort to help our community better serve those affected by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), the Santa Barbara County ACEs Connection Steering Committee shared its work with the larger ACES community at the KIDS Network meeting on September 5th. Participants connected with one another through a brief storytelling exercise before hearing a report on the learning process and outcomes of the committee's Phase One efforts.
Those in attendance had the opportunity to grapple with one of the mapping exercises undertaken by Steering Committee members in previous months. They were also introduced to some of the other strategies being considered for data collection and organization of existing efforts across the county.
To close the meeting, members were asked to share one word about how they felt as they left the space. Members shared that they felt reflective, energized, optimistic, hopeful, grateful, and connected.
Phase One of the Santa Barbara County ACES Connection project included launching the network and creating the high-level framework for its work. Great credit is due to all the members of the Steering Committee, the Leading from Within Impact Lab, and the KIDS Network for making this first phase a great success. As the Steering Committee moves into Phase Two, they will embark on detailed planning and discussions about action groups that will support the objectives identified in Phase One.
Key points and slides from the meeting are available on the Santa Barbara County ACES Connection blog (login required).
